3rd Week

Being a Christmas themed game, I started work on building trees from the geometries that the 3Js library has to offer. This was achieved by grouping 3 cone geomtries and one cylinder geometry together. Each section was translated into place before hand. These grouped meshes were then loaded into an array I made called 'obstacles' (I will probably change this later). This is because in the later stages I want the trees to be obstacles and it is more efficient to call multiple objects from arrays. 

The 'z' position of the trees  moves towards the player to give the illusion that the player is the one moving, I plan to do this for all of the objects. This 'z' position is reset once it reaches a certain point.  This so I will not have to keep spawning in objects every time they go out of frame, this should save on processing power.

I also started experimenting  with vertex faces on the plane to perhaps give a textured look to the floor however I was getting weird results with the shadows I had at the time as welll as the fact that I believe a smooth surfaced floor will suit this particular runner better.